Tuesday, March 25, 2014

POTD - Innenhof mit Brunnen

German for "Courtyard with Foutain", I thought that would make a fitting title for today's photo. I had a lot of fun night shooting through World Showcase, though as always, I can never walk away with enough night photos. The Germany pavilion was one I really wanted to get to and get several keepers from. I'm mostly German in heritage and took four years of the language in high school. How well I retained any of it is a different story. :) Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Enjoy!

Monday, March 24, 2014

POTD - Lobby From The Lobby

I wanted to try something a little bit different with this one. Too many times, and I'm just as bad as the next person, we tend to take and retake the same photos from the same angles. I'm assuming it's so we can get that "perfect" shot from that spot or something. I always try to do something different, because if I don't I won't ever know the possibilities. I love everything about this resort, including how cozy this resort feels. I think that is helped by all the logs and rails being in very close proximity to the front of the frame here. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

POTD - Inside Orchid Layers

Edged up to a leaf that was right below this beautiful frilled orchid, I got as close as I could whilst still hand holding a solid frame. This is the result after a bit of diligence and several shots. I never really tried flower photos in this sort of macro before. I think there is a time and place where it really works well, I hope this is one of those times. :) Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Friday, March 21, 2014

POTD - Juicy Fruit ...er... Flower

Another shot I got from my early morning macro run through of the MOBOT Orchid Show. These yellow orchids looked like they were oozing liquid. Of course it was just their morning drink pooling on the petals, but it made for some really fun shooting. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

POTD - Soft And Sharp

Soft And Sharp by Jeff.Hamm.Photography
Soft And Sharp, a photo by Jeff.Hamm.Photography on Flickr.

First off, I have to ask something. Most of you get this whole photography thing and appreciate things to a little higher degree than most people so this should be easy. I have this manager at work that says she doesn't get why people take photos of plants and flowers. She says it's because they're just plants. I told her to hold her breath and see how long she lasts without them. LoL. Anyway, point is, I am a huge fan of this type of work, and while I don't intend to change for anyone, I still feel I want to ask, do you all like the flower and plant life photos I put up? I only ask because if there's is more of something else you'd like to see let me know, so I can get my photostream more balanced.

Now that's done, let's get on to today's shot. I took Olympus' M. Zuiko 60mm f/2.8 macro out on my E-M1 yesterday to one of the final days of the orchid show at MOBOT. All I can say about that lens is wow! Easily the sharpest and easiest to work with macro lens that I've ever had the opportunity to shoot. I got to the gardens right when they opened, so it was right after they watered many of these beautiful blooms.

I will be sharing several from this series, so please let me know what you all think. Any suggestions or comments that you want to leave will always be welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

POTD - Spooked!!

Spooked!! by Jeff.Hamm.Photography
Spooked!!, a photo by Jeff.Hamm.Photography on Flickr.

This is quite easily one of, if not my favorite shot from the Boo To You Parade at Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party in the Magic Kingdom. Not the sharpest or cleanest shot ever, due to the older gear I had been using on that trip, but I love the expression. I really lucked out with him stepping just into the light at I was shooting away.

This was my very first crack at this parade, I think it's probably the best parade by the way. So any constructive suggestions whether it be in the shooting or processing of shots from this parade I'd be more than happy to hear them! Enjoy!

Monday, March 17, 2014

POTD - Rust And Refreshment

You all will never hear me saying anything but good things about the detail found at Disney's Animal Kingdom. Most of you already know that I'm sure. This is something that I had always just walked by on all of our past trips. Since it was just Jenea and I on this trip, I seemed to see a little more detail rather than running by it because we are with a big group of family members. :) Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

POTD - Morning Dew Bathing

I will have to say, after having shot with one at MOBOT a couple of weeks ago, the Olympus 75mm f/1.8 prime lens has to be one of the sharpest lenses to date for the micro four thirds system. A tack sharp lens with the most beautiful bokeh with all that compression. With a 150mm equivalent, it is a bit challenging to use, especially for a wide shooter like myself. The more I shoot though, the more I find that I'm usually at one side of the spectrum or the other, with little middle ground. I seem to shoot well at really wide, and surprisingly, really tight angles. Just shows my growth over the years I suppose, at least that's the hope! :) Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Friday, March 14, 2014

POTD - Retail Detail

Retail Detail by Jeff.Hamm.Photography
Retail Detail, a photo by Jeff.Hamm.Photography on Flickr.

This shot was taken inside the Yong Feng Shangdian Department Store inside the China pavilion in World Showcase at Epcot. When we got home from our trip, I noticed that I had started taking shots like this randomly inside different places of detail like this. I've also noticed that some of these have been some of my favorite photos from that trip. I will definitely need to break out the prime lenses more often for detail hunter inside at Disney. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

POTD - Ruins On The Walls

I see so few photos from Animal Kingdom which has always really surprised me. I never have enough time in DAK personally. Of course, I do know that this park gets unusually warm due to the lush vegetation and areas of the parks where crowds tend to bottleneck.

I will say this to all of you, do a second half of the day at Animal Kingdom after your really hot morning. Towards the end of the trip, we went back to DAK just to walk around, and to have dinner. On top of some good detail shooting around the Expedition Everest area and a great meal at Yak and Yeti, we were treated to one of the best sunsets I've ever seen inside a Disney park.

Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

POTD - Reflecting Inside The Cave

"By and by somebody shouted, Who's ready for the cave?"
-Mark Twain

As promised to some folks that I was talking with on Twitter, here is a non Disney photo. We went to Mark Twain Cave a couple of weekends ago just for something to do. Hannibal Missouri is only about a two hour drive from St. Louis, so away we went. I found out a lot about this cave and how it was the popular hang out spot for the town and the children of the town. Among those children and well into his adult life, Mark Twain was enchanted by the cave. So much so, the cave depicted in the book Tom Sawyer is based from this cave.

My favorite shot from the whole tour has got to be this one. There was a little fence blocking anyone from actually getting into the water. This was great for me because I could steady there to take an HDR bracket. It's fun to find where the cave stops and the water and reflection begin. :) Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

POTD - Water Feature Depth

One thing that Disney's Coronado Springs does not have a shortage of is fountains and water features. On top of the brilliant landscaping throughout this resort, the touches of these water features is very quaint and very nice. I have a feeling that this resort is going to be a stop for us each and every trip from here on out. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

POTD - Detail In The Dark

I can now see why everyone has to take this shot! I know I still have a long way to go with night time photo processing, but I was pretty happy with the detail that came out in this one. This has always been one of those views that no one could resist, and I, like many else, will continue to shoot photos in this spot because of it's beauty and detail. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

POTD - Imperial Guardian Lion

Taken right outside of the exit to Reflections of China in the China pavilion in Epcot's World Showcase. I see these lion statues a lot, and not just at Disney either, so I did a little research. These were placed, usually in pairs, in front of places of great importance to stand guard and protect whatever may lie inside. After editing this shot, I really wanted to get back to WDW to try more like this shot. A wider angle, standing in really close, and shooting an HDR bracket. With the Nikon 35mm f/1.4, this worked out quite well. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

POTD - Train Station Symmetry

Today's shot is from our last day in the parks on our last trip. After having breakfast with the Photomagic group, then walking around some of the resorts with our friend Ben, wdwben, we split off and headed into the Magic Kingdom one last time. This was more to get a couple of souvenirs for our niece and nephews, and for me to get some photos. I had to wait here in this spot for a couple of minutes before is was clear of guests so I could get this one. My only gripe with this is that I needed another chair! LoL. If that's the one thing I don't like here, I'm doing ok. Of course, we could've had blue sky that day, but that would be getting picky, :) Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Monday, March 3, 2014

POTD - Monorail Monday - Cloudy Sunrise Stretch

As we were arriving at the Polynesian for our group breakfast at Kona for Photomagic I was graced by a monorail just as we walked up. Lucky for me I had my wide angle attached to my camera, and utilizing my ultra wide angle I was able to get Monorail Red pulling into the station, and it looked like sunrise was following. Really, it was just coming through the thick clouds, which seemed to plague us this whole trip. It's not like I won't be back down at some point, so that sort of stuff doesn't bother me so much. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

POTD - Happy Bokeh Mardi Gras!

I'm really glad that I saved this shot for posting later. It makes a perfect shot to share for Mardi Gras! Now I know it's not technically until Tuesday, but today is when St. Louis throws the second largest Mardi Gras Celebration in the country. I of course get to work all day and don't get to enjoy any of it, but I can still share this happy gator with you all.

These gators, as I've said before, are easily my favorite part of Port Orleans French Quarter and a perfect subject for practicing bokeh panoramas. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Happy Mardi Gras!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

POTD - Moroccan Evening

I'm pretty certain that I could spend time in this pavilion, whether it's day or especially night, and always find new angles to shoot. The Morocco pavilion comes alive at night more than a lot of the other pavilion in Epcot's World Showcase. It's always been one of those destinations in the park one can go to escape and get some quiet. The little bit of night shooting that I did get to do was some of the most fun, but I didn't get enough of it done being so busy during the day. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

POTD - Making Stops In Storybook Circus

We were making our way back towards the new Storybook Circus area of Fantasyland when we spotted the Main Street Philharmonic. While they were a bit far from Main Street at this point, I wasn't going to ask questions or argue. I just took in the music and the fun and politely got my way to the front thanks to a very nice family who let me sneak in for a couple shots next to them. We only caught the tail end of the show, which is a shame, but I did pull some decent photos from. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

POTD - Temple of Heaven Framing

As we were walking around the China Pavilion one evening, I happened by this spot and instantly put my camera to my eye. I wish I could've gone wider and got more of the reflection, but I really like the tighter framing, something different I haven't shot of the Temple of Heaven. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

POTD - Centered Pattern And Shadow

As I said a couple of days ago, Coronado Springs resort is full of detail and beautiful photo ops. Like everything else, it was hard to find time to shoot photos of everything as well as having a great engagement trip. Jenea wanted to take a little late afternoon nap, so I jumped at the chance and headed out into the resort. We were in the Ranchos area of the resort, which while it was the farthest from everything, it was very quite and full of plants that we like. :) I would say probably the most photogenic part of the resort would have to be Casitas. Several different styles and lots of bright color abound through this area, so it allowed for lots of opportunities to get photos. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

POTD - Velveteen Cactus Blooms

Funny story, dead of winter in St. Louis, at least eight inches of snow outside the windows, and we get cactus flowers! The crazier part about it is that the cacti don't get watered but maybe twice from when they come in around the end of October, to when they go back outside in March or April. This is one of our Gymnocalycium cacti, it's about the size of half of an orange so it was quite a sight to see three purple blooms popping out of this thing. What was odd about these flowers, and like many cactus flowers, is that they were very velvety (I don't care if that's a word or not, you know what I mean. lol). Just the same, they were our first purple flowers from one of our cacti. Who knew that the easiest plants to take care of, the ones that bloom the least amounts and for the shortest times, would have the most brilliant flowers. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Friday, February 21, 2014

POTD - Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero González III

This last trip was our first time staying at Coronado Springs Resort. The moderate price range fits our budget quite well, and I will say, this is definitely towards the top of our list. I loved how different the three different areas of the resort were, as well as one of the better themed pool areas on property. I had a lot of fun shooting around this resort and have a lot of shots from around the grounds. Another thing that drew me at least to this resort was the characters that were around. The Three Caballeros and Saludos Amigos characters were found throughout different areas of the resort. I had to go and find Panchito's full name for the title of this. I was quite excited when I found this statue and the Jose as well. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

POTD - Tomorrowland Flood

This was taken shortly after the parade and fireworks at the Halloween Party. I wanted to get the Tomorrowland gate with the sea of people flooding into it from the hub and Main Street. Despite my best efforts, I still didn't get a lot of night shooting done. We only get down every 2 or 3 years, so I have to fit the photography in between my general enjoyment of the parks, because I can't miss that knowing I won't be back for a while. I walk a terrible line while I'm at Disney, vacation or photography. Usually rides the line quite well, except at night when we are exhausted. :) Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Monday, February 17, 2014

POTD - Walt Disney's Carousel Of Progress Sign

I know, it's Monday, and that's all you get for a creative title. lol. I was quite pleased when I was able to merge these brackets, and work in the Peoplemover in the background as well. This has always been one of my favorite classic Disney attractions. It's a real shame that Disney seems to be letting it slowly deteriorate, hopefully they prove me and many others wrong and just fix it already. :) Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

POTD - Peaking In From Above

Another shot from this years Orchid Show at the Missouri Botanical Gardens. As many of you know, I have a lot of fun and look forward to these shows every year. For whatever reason, I get a great calm out of shooting flowers and especially orchids. They seem to have just as much character and some human subjects, their just easier to work with. LoL. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

POTD - Lodge In Reverse

A shot that I rarely see, and something I saw a shot right away, was this one. We see a lot of Animal Kingdom lodge shots from the bridge of upper floors. I don't recall seeing many from the lower section of the lobby before you go outside. We were really intrigued by the "ladder" in the center there. Enough room to get a foot on each step, for whatever reason we both found this a neat detail. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

POTD - Crickets In Sleeping Bags

Is what we determined that these little orchids looked like. Such and interesting shape, with the stamen like antenna in the centers. I have never seen these at the Orchid Show before, so it was a nice addition and fun to shoot. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Monday, February 10, 2014

POTD - Hanging Perfection

As many of you know, at least those of you who've followed me for any amount of time, I am always excited when the Orchid Show comes around at the Missouri Botanical Garden. They always do such a wonderful job of transforming the space into a very peaceful space that is always filled with the most perfect and stunning orchids. Yesterday was the first time of the year this year, and I'm sure I'll be making a couple more visits before it over at the end of March. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Friday, February 7, 2014

POTD - Sun Soaked Texture

This is a frame that I caught when we were on our way out of Pizzafari after having breakfast. I found this little guy bathing in the sunlight just outside the restaurant. Between the texture in the statue itself, then the mass that was growing on it made for a really nice opportunity. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

POTD - Color and Awe

Color and Awe by Jeff.Hamm.Photography
Color and Awe, a photo by Jeff.Hamm.Photography on Flickr.

This was a shot I captured on my way home from work a couple of Sundays ago. We close early at five o'clock on Sundays, we come outside to go to our cars, and we see this starting to come together. I immediately run to the car and get on the road. This was shot at the sunsets absolute peak, from the perfect spot. The highway I take home hits a nice big hill before a floodplain and the river, so the landscape and sky go on forever. I was very fortunate to catch this, as it's more than likely one of the best sunsets I've ever seen in St. Louis. :) Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

POTD - Round Trip Sightseeing

This was caught on our ride our the Rivers of America on the Liberty Belle. I was really excited to ride this attraction. I hadn't been on that riverboat in a very very long time, so on top of that being really cool, add to that all the cool photo opportunities. I was lucky with this one to catch the geyser going off as well. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Monday, February 3, 2014

POTD - Saratoga Start

Saratoga Start by Jeff.Hamm.Photography
Saratoga Start, a photo by Jeff.Hamm.Photography on Flickr.

This was a morning in the trip where we just took it easy. I wanted to do some resort shooting and just general lounging about, so we headed first to Saratoga Springs Resort. I will first say, there counter service option is great for breakfast. Even though this resort is absolutely massive, there is something quite quaint about it as well. I will have to say that out of the resorts we visited that day, this was one of my favorites. :) Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Friday, January 31, 2014

POTD - Kidani Glasswork

After our lunch at Sanaa at Kidani Village in Animal Kingdom Lodge, I couldn't help but spend some time in the small but very beautiful lobby. I can tell why people like staying in this Disney Vacation Club resort, it seemed very quite, with some obvious stunning views. Not to mention this stunning lobby with these colorful glass pieces spilling out of pillars and the chandeliers. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

POTD - Castle in the Distance

I snapped this one of the beasts castle when we were in the Magic Kingdom seeing it for the first time. I wanted to get a shot to isolate the castle and show its detail and beauty. This is about as far as we got, as since it was very new at the time, standby to eat lunch at Be Our Guest restaurant was over two hours. We said no, not worth it the wait for lunch, and we'll be back anyway. :) Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Monday, January 27, 2014

POTD - Monorail Monday - Silver and Gold Overhead

After we headed over to the Magic Kingdom on the Ferry Boat, we were passing under the monorail beam at the right time. Monorail Silver glided overhead and I was able to catch it with some of that great golden hour light. The more I go through my shots from this trip, the more I want to go back and shoot more! I'm sure that's a lot of us though. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Friday, January 24, 2014

POTD - Fireworks Friday - Hallowishes Firsts

I will say, after seeing this fireworks show for the first on our last trip, it has to be the best Disney fireworks that I've been able to see. I am by no means terribly talented at shooting fireworks, but I did have a handful from this show that came out OK. I think I really just need to get back down more often to shoot, having only one real chance, july 4th, at home to practice fireworks. The only logical option to improve would be to get to Disney parks more often. LoL. I don't see any flaws in this plan whatsoever. :) Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

POTD - Leading Color Down Main Street U.S.A.

This was our spot for the Halloween parade at the Magic Kingdom. Right at the middle of Town Square, right on the curb, facing down Main Street U.S.A. I couldn't have planned it better myself. I took this before anything had started, after the spots were staked out and we were all just waiting. The color that bathed Main Street during Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party were absolutely awesome. I was really pleased with how cleanly this turned out. I thought it might be more annoying to process with all the varying colors. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestion is welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Monday, January 20, 2014

POTD - Monorail Monday - Between a Rail and a Monorail

This is an idea I tried one morning when we were in Epcot going to the Food and Wine Festival. Before World Showcase opened, we did some attractions and some shooting. Getting in between the wall and above rail, I was able to squeeze my lens in to make this composition. It was the only was I could see from my angle, to get the whole imagination pyramids in the frame. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

POTD - I've Got Friends On The Other Side

One of the big reasons I was excited for the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party was the parade, and more particularly, the villains. One of my favorites as of late, is of course Dr. Facilier, so that was a big focus for me. I was quite limited for this parade due to my older equipment, but that has since been remedied and upgraded. This was the best one I got of him, which could be sharper of course, but the shadows and that face can't be beat. I look forward to having another chance at this parade at some point, I learned a lot that night of course since this was our first party. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

POTD - Golden General

Golden General by Jeff.Hamm.Photography
Golden General, a photo by Jeff.Hamm.Photography on Flickr.

One evening on our trip we were arriving at Magic Kingdom right during golden hour. Since we hadn't ridden the Ferry in ages, we decided to do that on this beautiful evening. Shooting around at some monorails and resorts, we ended up passing the General Joe Potter. Bathed in golden light, gliding across the water, how could I not shoot photos. I could've gotten it composed a bit better, which is just another reason I'll have to go back. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Friday, January 10, 2014

POTD - Garden Glowing Climatron

This is a late post, but I had a very busy Holiday season at work so I didn't ever get a chance to dump these on to the computer until now. Over the month of December, at Missouri Botanical Garden (MOBOT), they held Garden Glow for the first time. I was very happy to hear to MOBOT was holding a light display in the park.

I found out upon getting there that tripods were not allowed. After taking a very annoyed trip back to the car, we got in and started shooting. What I at first thought was going to be a challenge ended up being a fun test for the new camera. With the new 5-axis image stabilization, I was able to hand hold shots up to almost 2 whole seconds! More consistently at 1 to 1.5 seconds, but holy cow! I love that fact that I can smile when I tell people I took this shot and all the others from this night with only my new E-M1 with 12-40mm f/2.8 attached.

Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

POTD - Looking At Me Looking At Layers

This is easily my favorite animal shot from this past trip at Animal Kingdom. There was some vegetation in the foreground I had to focus past, which ended up helping out with the layers in this shot. Also, and even cooler to me, is if you view large and zoom in, he's actually looking at me composed the shot of him. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

POTD - Down, Down, Over The Falls

You'll be saying that like a Norwegian all day if you know where this is from. :) LoL. One thing I was pretty insistent on this past trip was that I wanted to do all of the World Showcase attractions as I hadn't been through all of them in quite some time. Another issue with only getting down to the World but every two or three years. I was really happy to spend a little more time in the pavilions this trip, as it was a little crazy out in World Showcase from Food & Wine. It was a great time and I encourage anyone to go and experience it. For Epcot though, for me, I really like Flower & Garden a bit better.

Anyways, I was pretty happy with the way this one framed out. I was on the left side of the boat going past this and was right next to it with the 35mm f/1.4. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

POTD - Moroccan Market Detail

An observation for our first Food and Wine Festival. While we were really excited about this, and EPCOT Center is our favorite park, we noticed ourselves not spending as much time as usual in this park. Due to the Festival, the crowds all gravitated towards EPCOT, and understandably so as the food is excellent.

That being said, Disney really has to do something about the drinking. It's a great addition and I think should be a part of the festival, but they have to do something about controlling it a little. Having "drinking teams" running around, reading articles about guest on cast member fights, and even having a drunk guy messing with my camera bag on my back is just too much!

I will say though, these pavilions, like Morocco in particular, that are deeper than others provide a nice and quiet escape from the crazy people. I've always really liked the detail in World Showcase and if we ever see any additions I would be completely for it, no matter the country. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Monday, January 6, 2014

POTD - Roofs & Arches Making Pattern

I've been a huge slacker here lately, and haven't been posting as regularly as I'd like. After the cold I got hammered with, then all this crazy winter weather around here, I haven't been feeling very motivated. I promise to get through the rest of the WDW edits and hopefully in there somewhere I'll finally edit and post some shots from my E-M1. I've posted some from it on my intsagram, but nothing here yet.

This is from the Little Mermaid area of New Fantasyland. I really fell in love with this whole area of New Fantasyland, so much rich detail and beautiful architecture. Please let me know what you all think as any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!